Registration deadline!
Register now, or you will not be able to visit Lightstorm:
In order to ensure that we have an accurate number on who will be
attending AvatarMeet 2014, and therefore the studio visit, the planning
team cannot stress how important it is that everyone is registered on
and keeps their profile up to date. So if you have booked your hotel
but not registered, or you are bringing a partner of friend along,
everyone coming must be registered by May 29th 2014.
While you're at it, check that your T-shirt size is right, and that
you've indicated your ground transport status. We prefer to spend our
time planning fun activites instead of guessing who's coming!
Also, if you aren't going to be joining us at the studio (for example
you will be unable/unwilling to sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement),
please indicate so in the "notes" field in your profile as the numbers
for that visit are very important for Lightstorm Entertainment to plan
our visit.
Na'vi 103
Time to increase your Na'vi skills:
The Planning team would like to, once again, extend an "irayo nìtxan"
to Karyu Pawl, who has very kindly offered to continue the Na'vi lessons
at AvatarMeet with a 'Na'vi 103 class' that will build upon material
covered at AvatarMeets 2012 and 2013. To help people catch up, he will
also give another refresher class for everyone interested, in a similar
informal format as at last year's meet up in Shenandoah.
If you would like to brush up on your Na'vi, Karyu Pawl has his own blog called On there you will find video tutorials taken from Na'vi Class 101 from Seattle and Class 102 given in Shenandoah.
If you would like to see the informal refresher class that was held in Shenandoah you will find it in this video from AvatarMeet 2013.
Ground Transport
The Clan has got to travel: A number of the event
venues in LA will be some distance from the hotel. And unless you have
an Ikran handy (please see us about Ikran Parking) that's going to mean
wheels to places the public transit can't reach..
Arranging ground transport for the group of this size on a budget is a 2 step process:
Step 1 is finding out who already has a vehicle or a ride, and maximizing the resources we have. To that end, please update your profile
to indicate if you have a ride with someone else or of your own, and if
you have any space for passengers between the hotel and event venues,
or if you are looking for a ride. The sooner we have this information,
the sooner we can progress to step 2.
If you have space in your vehicle, help out a fellow clan member and offer them a spot.
If we're lucky, we won't need step 2, which involves renting a passenger
van or two for the event. If we don't have enough vehicles for
everyone, then we'll be asking for a volunteer or two to drive a van. If
you're interested, please contact a member of the planning team.
Helping Eywa
Time for us to give back: We all know that we
have a responsibility to look after our beautiful planet. It is a
message that is at the heart of Avatar. So for this meet up we are
looking to do just that. One of the events is if for us to attend a
nature conservation area and contribute to habitat restoration.
The details are being finalized, but this will be an opportunity for us
all to contribution to helping a volunteer organization preserve an
protect our surroundings. The intent is that it will suit all levels of
involvement and also make an enjoyable time with nature that we came all
come away from knowing that we have contributed.
More details will be posted soon, stay tuned!